Wrangler Church Ministries

Ron Francine Cropped Pic 2016About Us:

Wrangler Church is the result of over 49 years in Children's Church Ministry along with 27 years in the Church Bus Movement.  As lay servants, having served in capacity of Children's Ministry leaders for many years, Ron and Francine Singleterry are accumulating, editing, and offering for free direct download their years of Children's Church Messages/Lessons, Complete Theme Packages including People Skits and Puppet Scripts, as well as stand-along lessons, workbooks, VBS packages, and much more.

Wrangler Church Ministries is a FREE AID to churches.

We ASSIST and EXHORT and provide FREE curriculum and other helps, including VBS packages; Women's Ministry Studies; Men's Studies; TONS of Kids Studies; Devotionals and more.

You are NOT cookie'd for your website visits; no one is going to contact you to send money....we do NOT solicit nor charge.

 We are evangelistic in our presentation of the Bible,  leading others to Christ is priority.

"Where do you get your material?" is an often heard question.

Everything we develop is based directly on Scripture. Typical programs off of the shelf tend to be shallow or generalized in substance, and light on Bible doctrine. Our methods and vision are far removed from the typical children's church program of cookies, kool-aid and crafts.

We still believe in old-fashioned Bible methods presented to children in a vibrant manner that is results oriented. We are heavy on prayer and Holy Spirit leadership to prepare these materials and helps. Everything in the class or children's church should point to Jesus.

Our vision is to reach families for Jesus so they in turn can reach families for Jesus. Joel 1:3

What size Children's Church best benefits from our methods/materials?

From just a few children to 500 children in size. A successful Children's Church does NOT stay small in number. The Great Commisssion is still in effect. Children come, enjoy, want to stay, want to come back, bring their parents and their friends. Then more people come resulting in church growth. Our goal is to present the Word of God so that people can be born again, so they in turn will continue to do the same from generation to generation.

As a technical, practical website and ministry, we hope you find the materials and the methods in easy to follow format.

ALL Material and information is free for download.

What types of resources do you offer?

  • Free Curriculum:
    • Wranglers: Children's Church Teaching/Preaching Messages in Series or Stand-Alones. Primarily Ages 6-12.
    • Little Wrangler Lessons/Materials ages 4 years & 5 years. Typically has illustrations/activities/or craft attached.
    • Teen Bible Lessons/Messages
    • Adult Bible Studies
  • Vacation Bible School & Camp Packages
  • Melodramas [People Skits that usually will go with a Series & always with VBS/Camp]
  • Puppet Scripts
  • Training Videos
    • Why Train your Team
    • Basic 4 Step Structure Kids Ministry
    • Illustrated Messages
    • Salvation Presentation for Children
    • Repeat Responses & Large Groups
    • Puppet Ministry
    • Logistical Tools

Salvation presentation helps are extremely important. You will find Flash Cards to make a booklet to aid in presenting salvation. There is a Tri-Fold Follow up we have successfully utilized for many years to lead parents to Christ or to explain what we presented to their children.

What is our Statement of Faith?

Statement of Faith:

We believe in one God, who exists eternally in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit [Matthew 28:19].

We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, though written by men, was supernaturally inspired by God. [2 Timothy 3:16].

Adam, the first man, willfully disobeyed God, bringing sin and death into the world. [Romans 5:12].

Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross in full substitution and payment for the sins of all; was buried; and on the third day He arose physically and bodily from the dead. He ascended into heaven where He now intercedes for all believers. [Romans 8:34].

Each person can be saved/born-again only through the work of Jesus Christ, through repentance of sin [Luke 13:3] and by faith alone in Him as Savior. [Ephesians 2: 8-9].

Therefore, let's get busy In His Vineyard Together,
Ron and Francine Singleterry
Cookeville, TN

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